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How to Get Rid of Black Mould the Right Way

Black mould is a common issue in many homes, and it can be more than just an eyesore. It can cause serious health problems if not treated properly, especially for some vulnerable people. So, what is the best way to get rid of any infestation when you find it?

Identifying the Problem 

The first step to getting rid of black mould is to identify where it is located and what type of surface it's on. Different surfaces require different treatments, so you need to make sure you're using the right technique for your particular situation. For instance, if the mould is on a non-porous surface like tile or glass, you can use a solution of bleach and water to clean it up. Then use a scrub brush or sponge to remove any stubborn pieces of black mould before rinsing with clean water and drying thoroughly with a clean cloth.

However, if the mould is on porous materials like wood or drywall, that same solution may not be enough, and you'll need to take additional steps. In the case of a serious infestation, you may have two replace the drywall or wood or seal off the affected area.

Professional Cleaning Services

If DIY solutions don't work or if the problem persists after cleaning with bleach and water, it might be time to consider hiring a professional cleaning service. Professional cleaners will have access to powerful cleaning products specifically designed for removing black mould from various surfaces and specialised tools for properly applying these products.

Can You Just Leave It As Is?

It's never a good idea to ignore a mould infestation. And even a small amount can be problematic if you have someone in the household who has respiratory issues. Even if you don't, you may find that people are complaining of a stuffed nose or a headache, which could be attributed to the mould itself. Also, mould growth could be linked to excess moisture, and you need to trace the source. For example, you may have a leak you're unaware of, which will certainly need attention.

What to Do Next

So remember, black mould can be unsightly but also dangerous if left untreated for too long. Some DIY methods may work, but if you really want to be sure, you should bring in the professionals. 

To find out more, contact mould removal services. They can offer more tips and advice. 
