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Get Down To The Details: How To Ensure An Effective Relationship With Your Commercial Cleaning Service

If you need to hire a commercial cleaning service, there are some things you need to know, especially if this is your first experience with a professional cleaning service. Hiring a professional cleaning service is one of the best ways to maintain a clean and sanitary business environment. However, it does require open communication with your service provider. If you've never hired a cleaning service before, read the list provided here. You'll find four simple tips that will ensure an effective relationship with your cleaning service. 

Provide Security System Information 

If you're ready to hire a commercial cleaning service, and you have a security system on your commercial building, take this into consideration. If you've decided on after-hours cleaning, you might not be in the building when your cleaning crew comes through. If that's the case, you need to know that your cleaning crew can get into the building. You also need to know that your building will be safe and secure once the cleaning crew leaves. The best way to ensure that is to provide your commercial cleaning service with passcodes and other information for your security system. 

Understand Your Responsibilities

If you've decided to hire a commercial cleaning service for your business, make sure you understand your responsibilities. The cleaning service will conduct the cleaning for your building, but there might be steps that they want you to provide. Some of those steps might include putting chairs on tabletops prior to leaving on cleaning day or moving waste cans into a central location. It's also important that you know what you can expect from your cleaning service. That way, there isn't any miscommunication. 

Request Specialty Services

If you're in the process of hiring a commercial cleaning service, be sure to request any specialty services you might need. In most cases, your cleaning service will take care of the basics, such as floors, counters, and bathroom areas. However, there might be additional services you need, such as floor polishing, surface sanitising, or artificial plant care. To make sure that those services are included, be sure to include them in your service agreement. 

Lock-In a Cleaning Schedule

If you need to hire a cleaning service for your commercial building, don't forget to lock in the cleaning schedule. This is an important component of the process, especially if you want to maintain a clean business environment. If you're not sure what type of schedule you need, talk to your service provider. They can help pinpoint a schedule that will work best for your specific needs.

For more information, contact a commercial cleaning service in your area.
