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What You Need to Know About Professional Office Cleaning Services

A clean office does not only look good but creates a focused, fresh and comfortable working environment. You may even notice an improvement in your employee's work productivity. Here are some essential things you should know about professional office cleaning services.

Difference Between Professional and DIY Office Cleaning

Professional office cleaning services - These are services that entail a deep cleaning of your office's carpets, upholstery, air ducts and drapes. Such cleaning is not done daily; its frequency depends on how heavily or lightly trafficked your office is and how fast it gets dirty.

DIY office cleaning - These are the day-to-day activities of cleaning office surfaces and keeping an office space neat. 

Where Do You Start?

Identify the type of business you run and how dirty it gets. This way, you can figure out how effective your daily cleaning is and how fast your office space gets dirty. With that information, you can set a schedule of when deep cleaning is necessary, which can be monthly, bi-monthly, once every three months, annually, bi-annually, etc.

You might also need to figure out whether frequent deep cleaning of the carpets, upholstery or drapes can damage them.

Choosing an Office Cleaning Company

Choose a company that specialises in the type of business you run. The reason behind this is that they might have gathered experience over several years and know the kind of office items they may be required to clean. This means that they will already have all the necessary cleaning equipment and will deliver quality work.

Do You Have Any Sensitive Office Items or Documents?

Ensure that you lock up any sensitive documents and items before letting the cleaning crew into your office. This helps prevent any damage or misplacement risks.


Check if your employees have allergies. If they do, give the information to the cleaning company. They will avoid using products that contain the ingredients that your employees are allergic to.

Also, it is important to inquire about the products the cleaning company uses to find out whether they are environmentally friendly. You want to hire a cleaning company that uses products that are not harmful to the environment.


There is nothing worse than a damp office. If the cleaning company advises you to have some items cleaned at their facility and brought back when they are completely dry, listen. They are mainly making sure they do a thorough cleaning job and eliminating any chance of dampness.

To learn more, contact a commercial cleaning company.
