Cleaning Antiques and Valuables: Preservation and Maintenance Tips

Attract Clients by Keeping the Floor Tiles in Your Lobby Clean

A dirty lobby is a sure way of chasing away visitors, clients, and potential customers from your business. This is because the lobby or reception area is the first place where people get to interact with your company. If you don't maintain it, clients will not be convinced that you are capable of delivering excellent business. Unfortunately, with heavy foot traffic throughout the day, the floors in your reception area are bound to get dirty. However, you can follow these tips to ensure clean floor tiles all day regardless of the traffic.

Get an entrance mat

You can reduce the amount of dirt that people carry into your lobby by getting an entrance mat. This is a small rug that you place near the building's door. It catches most of the dirt and debris from the shoes as someone steps into the building. Having one of these will help keep your tiles clean for extended periods. Also, during the rainy season, an area mat can prevent people from walking in with wet shoes. Wet tiles can increase slip and fall accidents and associated lawsuits at the workplace.

Install a wall-to-wall carpet

A wall-to-wall carpet adds a personal touch, class, and style to your reception area and gives it visual appeal. It makes the room feel warm and welcoming – something your guests need to experience when they step into the building. A good carpet can also protect the floor tiles from the dirt and dust on shoes as people walk into the building.

The secret is to invest in a carpet whose colour will mask the dirt. Don't go for a brightly-coloured carpet that will look soiled on the first day of installation. Instead, choose shades of black, grey, brown or deep dark reds and the like. Only ensure that the colour complements the rest of the décor in the lobby area. Also, vacuum the carpet every morning to maintain a clean and healthy environment.

Clean regularly

If you don't want a wall-to-wall carpet, you can consider cleaning your floors after every few hours to get rid of the dirt. Pay attention to the high traffic areas in your lobby as these tend to get dirty fast.  Then, clean these areas at least two or three times a day at intervals. Invest in an automated floor cleaning machine that sucks out all the moisture from the floor. Avoid using mops as they tend to leave moisture on the floor and make the tiles slippery.

In addition to these tips, get a professional tile cleaning service to clean your floors regularly. They have specialised equipment and products that clean tiles and grout. Professional cleaning will leave your flooring looking new and attractive to your visitors and clients.
