Cleaning Antiques and Valuables: Preservation and Maintenance Tips

Which Carpet Cleaning Method is Right for You?

Even if you remove shoes on the door, vacuum daily and have a carpet protector, the carpet will still get too dirty at some point. It is therefore advisable to thoroughly clean your carpet a couple of times annually to get rid of stains, accumulated grime, and dust as well as bad odor and allergens. If you are planning to do your seasonal carpet cleaning, two main cleaning methods may be available for you;

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning also known as wet carpet cleaning is pumping a lot of hot water onto the carpet with a very powerful hose. The water is mixed with mild detergents or cleaners, and the tube forces the mixture deep into the fibers and even the pad. This process enables dirt to be broken down and forced out of the carpet before a wet vacuum then sucks out the dirty water.

The advantage of steam cleaning is that your carpet will be thoroughly cleaned especially if there was any odor, stains or grime. It is the best cleaning method if your house has gone through a flood or damage. However, it takes time for the carpet to dry completely, so it's not ideal in cold locations. A lot of people also realize that the stains resurface after the carpet dries up and that can be frustrating.

Dry Cleaning

Over the past few years, many cleaning services have adopted dry carpet cleaning as an alternative. It is a method that sprays dry chemicals mixed with very little water onto the carpet. The mixture loosens up the dirt and then it is vacuumed and lifted leaving the surface clean. Dry cleaning is fantastic in cold places because the carpet dries up immediately and it is more effective in removing stubborn stains. However, many people claim that the chemicals don't penetrate deep into the carpet, so it's not a thorough cleaning. The chemicals used are also not very healthy for humans so the homeowner should request for organic products.

Which is the Best Method?

The carpet cleaning method you choose depends entirely on your personal preference and needs because both ways are excellent. Depending on the type of carpet, what kind of dirt it has and the climate in your location, one can decide to either use wet or dry cleaning method. However, it is important to do your due diligence before hiring a professional cleaning company because that will make a huge difference in the results.

A professional cleaner can help you determine the best carpet cleaning technique if you are unable to make a choice.
