Cleaning Antiques and Valuables: Preservation and Maintenance Tips

5 Easy Ways to Improve the Office Environment

With studies showing that roughly two thirds of Australian workers are disengaged in the workplace, it is clear that employers need to take action to make people feel happier about coming to the office every day. Improving the physical office environment can make a big difference to employees' moods. Here are five tips that could help make the office a better place to be.

1. Create a Social Space

Positive workplace relationships can make a huge difference to employees' happiness, as well as encouraging collaboration within the workplace. If your office doesn't already have a space where employees can take a break together, it could be a good idea to create one. Provide enough comfortable seating for several people, as well as a coffee machine or water cooler, to encourage employees to spend some time hanging out together during breaks from work.

2. Be Supportive

Employees can't be happy if they are in physical pain. Be sure to provide office chairs and that properly support employees' spines, and replace them if they wear out. Some employees may need additional furniture to allow them to enjoy an ergonomic working experience, such as a footrest for employees who aren't tall enough for their feet to sit flat on the floor.

3. Lighten Up

Natural light can improve mood, but many companies block out the sun with blinds and instead rely on fluorescent bulbs to light up the space. Let in as much natural light as you can by opening the blinds and rearranging desks to reduce computer glare, and then use natural spectrum bulbs to light up any remaining dark corners.

4. Go Green

Plants freshen the air and give workers the feeling of being in a natural environment. Add some indoor plants to your office to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Don't forget to water the plants to keep them healthy.

5. Keep it Clean

Even the most well-designed office can be a depressing place if it isn't clean. Hire an office cleaning service to clean your office on a regular basis so it doesn't develop a grimy or dusty appearance. Encourage employees to clean up after themselves by providing facilities for washing mugs, cups and plates, as well as conveniently located rubbish bins that are emptied every day. If everyone makes the effort to keep the office clean, you can avoid untidiness or bad smells, which can drag down morale.
